Friday, June 28, 2013

Bathroom furniture design

I will continue this week showing you a piece of furniture that I designed. A client wanted a nice piece of furniture for the bathroom to put it on top of the sink. 

We know that the best place to put a mirror in the bathroom is on top of the sink and besides the mirror, there must always be some kind of shelf to put the toothbrush, the toothpaste and so on.

We already know the traditional bathroom shelves:


Useful, but nevertheless with a lack of style! So... what I tried to do was to create something that could fulfill this 2 characteristics. 

After making a few sketches I felt attracted by this shape in specific. Its really not a very complex shape, but the look is very nice and there is enough space either to put some small decorations like the one you see on this picture, or to put the toothbrush, toothpaste, face towels, etc.


If you are interested in buying this product, write me to: This nice and useful piece of furniture can be customized in order to fulfill your needs.

Si estás interesado en comprar este producto no dudes en contactarme. Este producto puede ajustarse a tus necesidades. Puedes ordenarlo en el color y tamaño que prefieras.

Wenn Sie Interesse an diesem Produkt haben, bitte schreiben Sie mir an: Dieses schöne und nützliche Möbelstück kann individuell angepasst werden, um Ihre Wunsche zu erfüllen.

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